I have been looking for a legit job opportunity online since when I had my internet connection which is why I have this blog so I could inform you the development of my job hunting aside from earning for the reviews I made from several companies. You know what keeps me busy at the moment. I actually tried to apply at Odesk and I already got my first assignment. I really feel good about myself when I am slowly enjoying the glory of working at home. No traffic hassles and no need to dress up for work not to mention that the pay is more rewarding when you are working online. At Odesk, they normally pay you per hour and the best thing is that they will be the one to collect your pay from your clients to avoid scammers. This is not some kind of a get rich quick scheme because you really have to work hard if you want more money. You even have to take an exam for you to have an edge against other applicants.
For those interested, just click on the image below and sign up for an account. After you completed your profile, you can already apply for the job opportunities i there. Let me know your feedback.. So far, I have never heard any negative feedback from forums and personally, the system is really nice...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Legit Homebased Job Opportunity
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2:40 PM